Are you thinking about relaunching your career after taking an extended break?
If you are, the prospect is no doubt both equally exciting and daunting. This is particularly true if you have been out of the workforce for an extended period. There is so much to consider and many decisions to be made, not to mention your nerves may be getting the better of you.
You’ll also no doubt have noticed that the landscape has changed, but just as important to recognise is that you too have changed! Luckily, I have a few tips to help you on your way, so hit pause and take a deep breath, you’ve got this!
Don’t laugh! If you’re rebooting your career this question is entirely relevant, especially if you have decided not to return to your former role, employer, or industry. While you might not want to be a rock star, fairy princess or that famous WWE pro wrestler from your childhood, you can shift your focus from the ‘what’ and ‘where’ and instead target the ‘who’ and ‘why’ of the career exploration puzzle. Start thinking about your career from the inside out.
Quite simply, both need continuous care and attention! Networking isn’t about reaching out just when you need help. It is a reciprocal relationship that develops over time providing support to those in your village. There’s incredible value in the people who know, like, and trust you, and vice versa. Your network can be the launchpad you need to create opportunity, make new connections and ultimately reboot your career.
When thinking about relaunching your career, don’t focus on what’s wrong, but rather focus on what’s strong. What I mean by this is don’t fret about your out-of-date chronological CV. Rather recognise and appreciate the skills and knowledge you have acquired during your career break. In a nutshell, don’t underestimate your experience/s. For example, what new skills and/or knowledge have you acquired, discovered and/or honed? Which programs of formal or informal study did you pursue? Or did you finally join that interest group that you had been putting off for so long? Which leads me to my next point…
How you have spent your time is an important consideration when planning for a career relaunch. You may have volunteered at one of your local clubs, joined a committee, coached the local hockey team, volunteered for a charity organisation, helped out with fundraising or managed social media accounts. All these opportunities have allowed you to do the stuff you really enjoy as well as meeting new people and staying current. You never know, the experience could very well also provide you with the clues you seek to identify a future career you’ll love.
You’ll know if you identify as a lifelong learner because you pursue the acquisition of knowledge for the pleasure of knowledge. You refer to yourself as a self-motivated learner and you don’t view age as a barrier to learning.
So, what does this have to do with returning to work you ask? Well, the great news for you is that knowledge acquisition, be it for professional or personal development, is easier than ever to access due to our digitally connected world. Learning, and our ability to learn, is no longer confined to the formal settings of our childhood or adolescence. Learning is now a lifelong pursuit that prepares us to successfully navigate the present and future of work. So, if you haven’t already, adopt a lifelong learning mindset – it may just lead you to living your best life.
Random activity is rarely productive, so if you are thinking about returning to work but just can’t sort the ‘what’ from the ‘who’,then the Ignite Career Exploration Package may just be what you need to help you reboot your career. Coaching is a structured, yet collaborative, process designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools you’ll need to identify a career pathway that truly lights you up. Call me to discuss whether career exploration coaching is the right fit for you.
Let’s talk about how career exploration coaching can enhance your self-knowledge, increase your opportunity awareness and inspire purposeful action.
Three key components in the identification of a meaningful and satisfying career pathway.
Are you thinking about relaunching your career after taking an extended break?
If you are, the prospect is no doubt both equally exciting and daunting. This is particularly true if you have been out of the workforce for an extended period. There is so much to consider and many decisions to be made, not to mention your nerves may be getting the better of you.
You’ll also no doubt have noticed that the landscape has changed, but just as important to recognise is that you too have changed! Luckily, I have a few tips to help you on your way, so hit pause and take a deep breath, you’ve got this!
Don’t laugh! If you’re rebooting your career this question is entirely relevant, especially if you have decided not to return to your former role, employer, or industry. While you might not want to be a rock star, fairy princess or that famous WWE pro wrestler from your childhood, you can shift your focus from the ‘what’ and ‘where’ and instead target the ‘who’ and ‘why’ of the career exploration puzzle. Start thinking about your career from the inside out.
Quite simply, both need continuous care and attention! Networking isn’t about reaching out just when you need help. It is a reciprocal relationship that develops over time providing support to those in your village. There’s incredible value in the people who know, like, and trust you, and vice versa. Your network can be the launchpad you need to create opportunity, make new connections and ultimately reboot your career.
When thinking about relaunching your career, don’t focus on what’s wrong, but rather focus on what’s strong. What I mean by this is don’t fret about your out-of-date chronological CV. Rather recognise and appreciate the skills and knowledge you have acquired during your career break. In a nutshell, don’t underestimate your experience/s. For example, what new skills and/or knowledge have you acquired, discovered and/or honed? Which programs of formal or informal study did you pursue? Or did you finally join that interest group that you had been putting off for so long? Which leads me to my next point…
How you have spent your time is an important consideration when planning for a career relaunch. You may have volunteered at one of your local clubs, joined a committee, coached the local hockey team, volunteered for a charity organisation, helped out with fundraising or managed social media accounts. All these opportunities have allowed you to do the stuff you really enjoy as well as meeting new people and staying current. You never know, the experience could very well also provide you with the clues you seek to identify a future career you’ll love.
You’ll know if you identify as a lifelong learner because you pursue the acquisition of knowledge for the pleasure of knowledge. You refer to yourself as a self-motivated learner and you don’t view age as a barrier to learning.
So, what does this have to do with returning to work you ask? Well, the great news for you is that knowledge acquisition, be it for professional or personal development, is easier than ever to access due to our digitally connected world. Learning, and our ability to learn, is no longer confined to the formal settings of our childhood or adolescence. Learning is now a lifelong pursuit that prepares us to successfully navigate the present and future of work. So, if you haven’t already, adopt a lifelong learning mindset – it may just lead you to living your best life.
Random activity is rarely productive, so if you are thinking about returning to work but just can’t sort the ‘what’ from the ‘who’,then the Ignite Career Exploration Package may just be what you need to help you reboot your career. Coaching is a structured, yet collaborative, process designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools you’ll need to identify a career pathway that truly lights you up. Call me to discuss whether career exploration coaching is the right fit for you.
If you’re looking for a little inspiration, get in touch for your free 20-minute career conversation.